Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bitter Sweet

I am excited because time is drawing close to Ron's R&R. I can not say when it is due to OPSEC, but it is fairly soon. I am a bit worried about it though, because he is coming home for his R&R so soon. I always though he would be home around the 6 month mark. It will be closer to the 3 month mark! So that means he will have 9 months over there after this to look forward to when he returns. With no end in site it worries me about him. Just a few days ago I saw on the news that a guy lost it killed 5 other soldiers. I worry that someone in his group could lose it like that, but I also worry that it will be my husband that will lose it. They (his fellow soldiers, sgt's, and command) treat him like shit. Those lower ranking then him try to boss him around and those with more rank then him, abuse there power. For example last week I sent a care package to my husband and his SGT was hustling him for snacks out of the care package. After my husband obliged and gave him a pack of oreos his SGT asked him "Well, what about everyone else". My husband had to defend himself that I didn't send enough to feed everyone and that the pack of oreo's was enough for 3 people.
Its just stupid shit really. But my husband is already depressed, not eating, and sleeping all day. My husband has dropped in weight to 120 which is pretty low even for him. Nobody seems to notice these things, and he doesn't speak up and just gets stepped on for fear they will make life harder on him. Its like school bullies, except they have your life and career on the line.
I so hate the Army.
But I am looking forward to seeing my husband for that brief couple of weeks. And unfortunately it will be the only time this year that I get to hold him, kiss him, hug him. This year has been a hell of a year and I am wishing my time away.

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