Saturday, March 21, 2009

A little Better Today

So thanks to all those from Babycenter that found there way over here. And also those who have taken the time to not only read this but write me back.

Today has been a better day. I tried to keep everything simple and upbeat today. When he called me for 15 mins today I told him no talking about bills on these short phone calls. They are way to short for "technical business" like that. I just stuck to how is day was and that I missed him alot and how the kids were doing. He seemed much more positive to talk to me when I keep it short and sweet like that. He told me in an email earlier that he has become "hard" inside. That he has to in order to make it through the deployment and that even when he tries to take that off for when we talk. He can't. So I am just giving him sometime and trying to be up beat and not tell him about the stressful stuff at home. I just hope that when I see him again, he will be able to shed that and will be the fun, loving man that I married.

Oh well, thats so long from now! I cant even be thinking about when he comes home. Exercising has been keeping me busy too. I actually look forward to it and I am eating good. Its at least something positive that might come out of this mess.

My son Aiden, is 5 years old and is Autistic. Well, today he saw Ron on the webcam and it didn't hit him until today that Ron was gone. It was kind of sad to see that actualization hit him. The reset of the day he asked me where Ron is (his step dad). I told him on the other side of the earth. He is learning planets at school so I thought he would understand it better that way. But no, he thinks Ron is inside the earth LOL.

And for those of you wondering if Ron has read this.. or knows about this blog. NO he does not. I might share it at some point in time. But this is more for me to VENT. And sometimes I need to get stuff about him off my chest that I don't want to necessarily tell him at the moment, so I wont be sharing this with him until father down the road when we can sit back and laugh at all this.


  1. Hey there!! Although I am also a military wife I am not going through what you are (he hasn't deployed yet)..... I can't even imagine. I know it could be somewhere in our future but dont even want to begin to grasp it.. We have really close friends on the base that are leaving this Thursday and me and my husband cry everynight for them!!

    I also wanted to say I have an autistic sister. Watching my mom over the years has given me SO much respect for every parent with an disabled child!!

    My prayers are for your husband !! and I hope he makes a safe return back to you and your boy !! Where he belongs....

  2. Thank you so much for your comments!
